#1 GitHub 上的一些备选方案


内容管理系统 / CMS

cms stars:>10000 在 GitHub 上搜索,再经过一些筛选,剩下以下项目:

  1. hugo shields.io, 静态网站生成
  2. wagtail shields.io, Django
  3. grav shields.io
  4. django-cms shields.io
  5. netlify-cms, NodeJS, MIT 静态网站生成,Git-based
  6. Keystone shields.io, NodeJS
  7. Strapi shields.io, NodeJS, headless CMS
  8. Ghost shields.io, NodeJS
  9. October shields.io, PHP, Laravel

论坛 / BBS / Forum

forum stars:>2000 在 GitHub 上搜索,再经过一些筛选,剩下以下项目:


  1. answerdev/answer Go shields.io:github/stars shields.io:github/languages/code-size shields.io:github/commit-activity/w shields.io:github/license
    An open-source knowledge-based community software. You can use it quickly to build Q&A community for your products, customers, teams, and more.
  2. NodeBB/NodeBB Node.js shields.io:github/stars shields.io:github/languages/code-size shields.io:github/commit-activity/w shields.io:github/license
    Node.js based forum software built for the modern web
  3. flarum/flarum PHP Symfony shields.io:github/stars shields.io:github/languages/code-size shields.io:github/commit-activity/w shields.io:github/license
    Simple forum software for building great communities.
  4. phpbb/phpbb PHP shields.io:github/stars shields.io:github/languages/code-size shields.io:github/commit-activity/w shields.io:github/license
    phpBB Development: phpBB is a popular open-source bulletin board written in PHP. This repository also contains the history of version 2.
  5. flaskbb/flaskbb Python Flask shields.io:github/stars shields.io:github/languages/code-size shields.io:github/commit-activity/w
    A classic Forum Software in Python using Flask.
  6. rafalp/Misago Python Django DRF shields.io:github/stars shields.io:github/languages/code-size shields.io:github/commit-activity/w shields.io:github/license
    Misago is fully featured modern forum application that is fast, scalable and responsive.
  7. discourse/discourse Ruby On Rails shields.io:github/stars shields.io:github/languages/code-size shields.io:github/commit-activity/w shields.io:github/license
    A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple.

SNS / MicroBlogging

  1. rocboss/paopao-ce Go shields.io:github/stars shields.io:github/languages/code-size shields.io:github/commit-activity/w shields.io:github/license
    🔥A artistic "twitter like" community built on gin+zinc+vue+ts 清新文艺微社区
  2. humhub PHP shields.io:github/stars shields.io:github/languages/code-size shields.io:github/commit-activity/w AGPL 3.0
    HumHub is an Open Source Enterprise Social Network. Easy to install, intuitive to use and extendable with countless freely available modules.

框架 / Web Framwork / RESTful API (Python)

  • Django shields.io
  • django-rest-framework shields.io
  • Flask shields.io
  • Sanic shields.io
  • Falcon shields.io
  • FastAPI shields.io
  • APIStar shields.io
  • Pyramid shields.io
  • Tornado shields.io
  • Twisted shields.io
  • daphne shields.io - A HTTP, HTTP2 and WebSocket protocol server for ASGI and ASGI-HTTP.
  • uvicorn shields.io - A lightning-fast ASGI server implementation, using uvloop and httptools.
  • bjoern shields.io - Asynchronous, very fast and written in C.
  • gunicorn shields.io - Pre-forked, ported from Ruby's Unicorn project.
  • uWSGI shields.io - A project aims at developing a full stack for building hosting services, written in C.
  • waitress shields.io - Multi-threaded, powers Pyramid.
  • werkzeug shields.io - A WSGI utility library for Python that powers Flask and can easily be embedded into your own projects.
  • uvloop shields.io - Ultra fast asyncio event loop.

数据校验 / Data Validation

  • Cerberus shields.io - A lightweight and extensible data validation library.
  • colander shields.io - Validating and deserializing data obtained via XML, JSON, an HTML form post.
  • jsonschema shields.io - An implementation of JSON Schema for Python.
  • schema shields.io - A library for validating Python data structures.
  • Schematics shields.io - Data Structure Validation.
  • valideer shields.io - Lightweight extensible data validation and adaptation library.
  • voluptuous shields.io - A Python data validation library.