PromQL Cheat Sheet

Selecting series

Select latest sample for series with a given metric name:


Select 5-minute range of samples for series with a given metric name:


Only series with given label values:


Complex label matchers (=: equality, !=: non-equality, =~: regex match, !~: negative regex match):


Select data from one day ago and shift it to the current time:

process_resident_memory_bytes offset 1d

Rates of increase for counters

Per-second rate of increase, averaged over last 5 minutes:


Per-second rate of increase, calculated over last two samples in a 1-minute time window:


Absolute increase over last hour:


Aggregating over multiple series

Sum over all series:


Preserve the instance and job label dimensions:

sum by(job, instance) (node_filesystem_size_bytes)

Aggregate away the instance and job label dimensions:

sum without(instance, job) (node_filesystem_size_bytes)

Available aggregation operators: sum()min()max()avg()stddev()stdvar()count()count_values()group()bottomk()topk()quantile()

Math between series

Add all equally-labelled series from both sides:

node_memory_MemFree_bytes + node_memory_Cached_bytes

Add series, matching only on the instance and job labels:

node_memory_MemFree_bytes + on(instance, job) node_memory_Cached_bytes

Add series, ignoring the instance and job labels for matching:

node_memory_MemFree_bytes + ignoring(instance, job) node_memory_Cached_bytes

Explicitly allow many-to-one matching:

rate(demo_cpu_usage_seconds_total[1m]) / on(instance, job) group_left demo_num_cpus

Include the version label from "one" (right) side in the result:

node_filesystem_avail_bytes * on(instance, job) group_left(version) node_exporter_build_info

Available arithmetic operators: +, -, \*, /, %, ^

Filtering series by value

Only keep series with a sample value greater than a given number:

node_filesystem_avail_bytes > 10*1024*1024

Only keep series from the left-hand side whose sample values are larger than their right-hand-side matches:

go_goroutines > go_threads

Instead of filtering, return 0 or 1 for each compared series:

go_goroutines > bool go_threads

Match only on specific labels:

go_goroutines > bool on(job, instance) go_threads

Available comparison operators: ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=

Set operations

Include any label sets that are either on the left or right side:

up{job="prometheus"} or up{job="node"}

Include any label sets that are present both on the left and right side:

node_network_mtu_bytes and (node_network_address_assign_type == 0)

Include any label sets from the left side that are not present in the right side:

node_network_mtu_bytes unless (node_network_address_assign_type == 1)

Match only on specific labels:

node_network_mtu_bytes and on(device) (node_network_address_assign_type == 0)

Quantiles from histograms

90th percentile request latency over last 5 minutes, for every label dimension:

histogram_quantile(0.9, rate(demo_api_request_duration_seconds_bucket[5m]))

...for only the path and method dimensions:

  sum by(le, path, method) (

Changes in gauges

Per-second derivative using linear regression:


Absolute change in value over last hour:


Predict value in 1 hour, based on last 4 hours:

predict_linear(demo_disk_usage_bytes[4h], 3600)

Aggregating over time

Average within each series over a 5-minute period:


Get the maximum for each series over a one-day period:


Count the number of samples for each series over a 5-minute period:


See all available xxx_over_time() aggregation functions.


Get the Unix time in seconds at each resolution step:


Get the age of the last successful batch job run:

time() - demo_batch_last_success_timestamp_seconds

Find batch jobs which haven't succeeded in an hour:

time() - demo_batch_last_success_timestamp_seconds > 3600

Dealing with missing data

Create one output series when the input vector is empty:


Create one output series when the input range vector is empty for 5 minutes:


Manipulating labels

Join the values of two labels with a - separator into a new endpoint label:

label_join(rate(demo_api_request_duration_seconds_count[5m]), "endpoint", " ", "method", "path")

Extract part of a label and store it in a new label:

label_replace(up, "hostname", "$1", "instance", "(.+):(\\d+)")


Calculate the 5-minute-averaged rate over a 1-hour period, at the default subquery resolution (= global rule evaluation interval):


Calculate the 5-minute-averaged rate over a 1-hour period, at a 15-second subquery resolution:


Using the subquery result to get the maximum rate over a 1-hour period:
