Pytest setup 和 teardown 方法

  • 全局
  • setup_module(module) / teardown_module(module) 引入包的时候执行
  • setup_function(function) / teardown_function(function)
  • 模块级别
  • setup() / teardown() 测试模块载入的时候执行
  • 类级别
  • setup_class(cls) / teardown_class(cls)
  • setup_method(self, method) / teardown_method(self, method)
  • setup(self) / teardown(self) nose 语法,会被上面两个方法覆盖

Supported nose Idioms

  • setup() and teardown() at module/class/method level: any function or method called setup will be called during the setup phase for each test, same for teardown.
  • SkipTest exceptions and markers
  • setup/teardown decorators
  • __test__ attribute on modules/classes/functions
  • general usage of nose utilities