Golang make

m := make(map[string]int, 5)

发现 len(m) = 0 之后我觉得有必要重新复习一下 make 函数了。

make 的作用:分配内存,初始化,返回值(不是指针)。
PS:new 就会返回指针。还有,new 不限类型,不初始化。

  1. slice -> len, cap
  2. map -> 预留大约 n 个元素的空间(具体分配空间的规则不清楚)
  3. chan -> buffer size

The built-in function make takes a type T, which must be a slice, map or channel type, optionally followed by a type-specific list of expressions. It returns a value of type T (not *T). The memory is initialized as described in the section on initial values.

Call             Type T     Result

make(T, n)       slice      slice of type T with length n and capacity n
make(T, n, m)    slice      slice of type T with length n and capacity m

make(T)          map        map of type T
make(T, n)       map        map of type T with initial space for approximately n elements

make(T)          channel    unbuffered channel of type T
make(T, n)       channel    buffered channel of type T, buffer size n

Each of the size arguments n and m must be of integer type or an untyped constant. A constant size argument must be non-negative and representable by a value of type int; if it is an untyped constant it is given type int. If both n and m are provided and are constant, then n must be no larger than m. If n is negative or larger than m at run time, a run-time panic occurs.

s := make([]int, 10, 100)       // slice with len(s) == 10, cap(s) == 100
s := make([]int, 1e3)           // slice with len(s) == cap(s) == 1000
s := make([]int, 1<<63)         // illegal: len(s) is not representable by a value of type int
s := make([]int, 10, 0)         // illegal: len(s) > cap(s)
c := make(chan int, 10)         // channel with a buffer size of 10
m := make(map[string]int, 100)  // map with initial space for approximately 100 elements

Calling make with a map type and size hint n will create a map with initial space to hold n map elements. The precise behavior is implementation-dependent.
