Nano 编辑器

Pico (Pine composer) is a text editor for Unix and Unix-like computer systems. It is integrated with the Pine and Alpine email clients, which were initially designed by the Office of Computing and Communications at the University of Washington.
A clone of Pico called nano, which is part of the GNU Project, was developed because Pico's earlier license had unclear redistribution terms. Newer versions of Pico as part of Alpine are released under the Apache License version 2.0.

Nano 是由于 Pico 编辑器早期授权条款不够 free 而开发,是 GNU 计划的一部分。


Nano 是一个超级轻量级的文本编辑器,是每个 Linux 发行版的标配。

  1. 语法高亮(比如:/usr/share/nano/json.nanorc

两个命令:nano,rnano(受限模式,参考 man 文档)


  • 系统配置 /etc/nanorc/usr/share/nano/
  • 用户配置 ~/.nanorc~/.nano/

